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57-66 67-76 77-86 87-96 Annuals
Cable no.87

Part 2 in the "Dream's End" crossover.

You can read the whole crossover here:

Cable no.88
Cable is morning Moira MacTaggert. Storm and Nightcrawler help him accept his greef.
Cable no.89
In the beginning of this issue Cable gets a martial arts lesson. He gets his ass kicked..again.
The rest of the issue is dedicated to Cable's first encounter with the Dark Sisterhood.
Cable no.90
The Dark Sisterhood can risk their exposure so they descide to take Cable out.
They soon discover it's not easy to take out a man who comes from the future and who has fought for most of his life.
Cable no.91
After escaping from the attack of the Dark Sisterhood Cable descides to take the fight to them.
Cable no.92
Irene is running from the Dark Sisterhood and is taken in by the followers of Clarity. Cable in the mean while is being accused of murder seperating him from most of his support.
Cable no.93
Cable continues his war against the Dark Sisterhood while we get a look at the past of the Dark Mother.
Cable no.94
Irene gets a visit from one of the three sisters and gets to hear the mission of the three sisters. Later she hooks up with Cable again who shares what he has learned about the history of the Dark Sisterhood. Meanwhile the Dark Mother is placing the last pawns for the great plan.
Cable no.95
Cable and Rachel invade the stronghold of the Dark Sisterhood. Cable takes on it's Dark Mother and discovers why the Dark Mother is after him.
Cable no.96
Cable visits a small town and meets a very, very old man. After armwrestelling with the man Cable gets to hear his life story. Together they go of and fight two more very, very old men.
(This issue is the last issue written by Robert Weinberg and is quite good for a filler)